Know Your Why, Part 2

Know Your Why Part 2: 10 Tips to Help You Discover Yours

  1. Be Curious- Take a moment to think why you even want to discover your why. What are your core values? What things in life fulfill you?  What would you do for free? What brings you joy?  When are you happiest? What would make you happy and why? Keep with the process, keep asking, the effort will be worth the process in the discovery of your “North Star”

  2. Prioritize Kindness-Tune into your core values, this will increase self-awareness. Leave out judgment and give yourself time to gain a better understanding of who you are, and your greater purpose. Be kind, be honest, be vulnerable, and let it help get closer to your why. 

  3. How does your profession fit? Work is a huge part of our lives.  You will spend the greater portion of your day at work, and the more it aligns with your why, allows for a happier more rewarding life. It’s hard not to be driven by money, it’s important, but at the end of the day your profession should not be soul-crushing.

  4. What job would you do for free? How can that fit into your life?  Is there room for a career change? How does it contribute to your why?

  5. What activities make you forget about the passage of time? In this space, it might be said, you’re “in the zone”.  You’re completely present and nothing else matters. Pure joy, completely absorbed, and not wanting to be anywhere else.  Think back to those times, that’s magic.

  6. Why do others come to you for help? Sometimes others observe in you that which you can’t see in yourself (yet). What they see might help you discover your purpose. Create a deeper awareness of these interactions.

  7. What can you do to give others a lift? How can you help others? Your why should serve you and others.  How will it help you be a better leader, parent, spouse, and friend?  How can it help your community? How can you make a positive impact on everyone in your life?

  8. Check-in with your why daily.  Life is full of screens, stress, distractions, and deadlines, it’s easy to get pulled away from your greater purpose. What routines and habits can you cultivate to stay true to your why?

  9. Can my why change? You bet, life has different stages, stay present with that. Your core values might not change, but you might start prioritizing differently. It could be for a season, a reason, or a lifetime.  Change is good, it shows we’re evolving and expanding our horizons, embrace this moment if it happens to you.

  10.  Expand your horizons. Who do you look up to? Who and/or what are you curious about?  Are you avoiding something you don’t understand?  Seek mentors, leaders, and friends with a strong sense of self to help you develop your own. Read books, listen to podcasts, get involved in your community, and you might even make new friends!


Know Your Why, Part 1


Know Your Why -Bonus!